About Maria

Suns and Moons Within

Unlocking Inner Wisdom through Healing and Ceremony

About Maria

I was born in the sunny island of Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean. Growing up, I participated with the family in the grape, cherry and olive picking activities, the wine, olive oil and bread making, and was taught by the matriarchs about herbs and needle art.

Leaving Sicily was heart breaking, but as a teenager a bend in the road took my life to the US, where I studied engineering. I have lived in Missouri, Connecticut and Virginia, and now in central Texas .

My spiritual search began on Halloween 2000 (yes, Halloween!) when I had - what I later learned to be - a spontaneous shamanic experience. This led me to the discovery and the study of shamanism. I became a Mesa Carrier of the Q'ero Indians of Peru and a Master Reiki Teacher .

Currently my main practice is Core Shamanism. I have graduated from the 3 year program in advanced initiations in shamanism and shamanic healing through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and have completed the Harner Shamanic Counseling training. I have studied with Sandra Ingerman and have completed the Two-Year Teacher Training. Finally, I have studied with Tom Cowan and Betsy Bergstrom.

Currently, I am not available for private in-person sessions due to COVID but I am available by appointment through Zoom.

Please contact me by phone or e-mail:

